For many of us relational brokeness and
underlying homosexuality have destroyed
multiple years that have caused relational wounds,
making recovery hard to take-in.
Joel 2:225 is a peer led community of men
and women who support each other through
prayer, spiritual growth, and relational
Joel 2:25 will be starting the Taking Back Ground program.
Taking Back Ground is a discipleship a program to glorify Jesus Christ by proclaiming His desire and incredible power to free people from sexual and relational brokenness. Such freedom begins with repentance from sin and faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. Many who seek healing have been wounded by past hurts and taken captive by the desire to fulfill unmet needs for love and affirmation through same-sex attractions and relationships.
Taking Back Ground helps equip men and women to walk in freedom from these desires as transformation takes place. 'Freedom' does not mean you won't struggle or get tempted, but it does mean that as you walk closer to the Lord and lay down your own life, your own will, your own way of relating, you begin to learn God's good and perfect will and plan for your life.
For more information call (985) 257-2425 (All calls confidential.)
or email [email protected]
Other resources:
Courage-Roman Catholic Apostolate whose members are men and women who experience same-sex attractions and who have made a commitment to strive for chastity.
Encourage-Roman Catholic apostolate for parents, friends and family member of loved ones with same-sex attractions
Restored Hope Network-is an umbrella organization of Christian ministries and ”exists so that those who struggle with homosexuality can find freedom to live according to God’s design.”
Brothers Road-Men supporting each other in addressing our same-sex attractions in affirming ways that align with our faith, values, morals, & life goals.